Crash for cash is a colloquial term used to describe road traffic ‘accidents’ where one or more parties administer the crash to gain financial benefit through personal injury compensation. Unfortunately this type of car crash claim fraud is becoming more and more common and last month a gang of three conmen were jailed for 34 years for a scam which was worth £5.3 million according to reports in the BBC News . Below we take a closer look at crash for cash fraud and how you can protect yourself.
Why does it happen?
In the UK, people injured as a result of a motoring accident can claim personal injury compensation provided that the accident they were involved in wasn’t their fault. The temptation of compensation has led some people to become involved in accidents on purpose so that they can pose as the victim and make a car injury claim.
How do the fraudsters do it?
Unfortunately there are many different ways in which people cause crash for cash accidents including driving dangerously so that an innocent motorist is forced into a crash. Other tactics include removing break light bulbs so drivers behind don’t know when the car in front is slowing down and therefore bump into them or breaking suddenly to force the driver behind into a crash.
How can you avoid being a victim?
Remember to always remain vigilant when driving and leave a sensible distance between your car and the vehicle in front. Be on the lookout for hazards and be particularly aware of anyone driving erratically or dangerously and think before responding to other drivers who flash or wave to give you right of way.
If you think you’ve been involved in a crash for cash accident then inform the police, giving them full details and obtain a crime reference number. Tell your insurer that you think the accident was caused deliberately and if you make a claim, be sure to tell your personal injury solicitor the circumstances of the car crash and any injuries you obtained.