Accident victims who turn down an insurer’s initial offer and take legal advice from a Solicitor get on average 2-3 times more compensation according to a recent survey carried out on behalf of the Law Society.

woman in MRI scanner

ASD Solicitors recently acted for an Immingham client who suffered a spinal injury following a road traffic accident. Miss B sensibly turned down an offer of £1,000 from Ageas insurance company received within weeks of ASD being instructed. After seeing the client at her home it soon became apparent that the injuries were more serious. Richard Meggitt arranged for Miss B to be seen by a neurologist and put in place an MRI scan. Miss B had in fact suffered mechanical damage to her spine and after further reports were obtained the claim was settled for £63,500, more than 63 times the original offer.

Richard Meggitt, Solicitor for ASD who acted for Miss B said “Insurers make offers before medical evidence has been obtained, sometimes even in significant injury cases. My advice is to make sure a Solicitor has been instructed and not to get seduced by an offer you may live to regret accepting. Remember an insurer does not owe an injured person a duty of care to get the going rate, unlike a Solicitor does. If in doubt take advice from a local specialist.”

*image is for illustrative purposes only