If you have a complaint, please contact me in writing with the details.

What will happen next?

  1. I will record your complaint within 1 day of its receipt.
  2. I will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 3 days of its receipt.
  3. I will then investigate your complaint and send you my detailed response within 14 days. At any time during this 14 day period I may contact you for further details or information.
  4. If you feel your complaint has not been dealt with satisfactorily I will arrange a meeting with you to discuss the matter further.
  5. At this stage, if you are still not satisfied, you can write to me again. I will then arrange to review my decision.  This may happen in one of the following ways:
    • I will arrange for someone who is not connected with the complaint to review my decision. I will do this within 10 days.
    • I will ask another Solicitor who is not connected with your case to review your complaint. I will let you know how long this process will take.
  6. I will let you know the result of the review within 5 days of the end of the review. At this time I will write to you confirming my final position on your complaint and explaining my reasons.  At this stage, if you are still not satisfied you should contact the Legal Ombudsman, details of which were provided to you at the outset of your case.


R G Long

Accident Solicitors Direct Limited