Beauty Treatment Compensation

The origins of plastic surgery, a medical speciality concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function, can be traced back to 800BC when reconstructive surgery techniques were being carried out in India (MSN Encarta (2008) ‘plastic Surgery’). Incredibly developments in this field have taken place over the centuries, including the development of facial…


No-Win No-Fee – Accidents at Work

Most personal injury firms offer a ‘no win no fee’ scheme for individuals who have been injured at work, but what does this actually mean and do all solicitors offer the same terms? ‘No win no fee’ simply means that if your claim is unsuccessful, you will not be charged. Some solicitors do ask their…


Psychiatric Injury; Secondary Victims

This case provides an illuminating consideration of the scope of liability in this difficult area of law. FactsOn 2 November 2006, the claimant’s daughter was one of the four teenage girls in the back of a car being driven by the defendant on the mountain road between Garnlydan and Llangydnidr. The defendant lost control of…


Breaking Bones

This article on the basic principles of anatomy and physiology aims to provide insight into medical notes, medical report writing and questions to medical practitioners. Fractures to limbs Limb fractures are a common form of injury. They are often associated with those mechanisms of injury seen in personal injury claims. Road traffic accidents (RTAs) account…


Moving with The Times

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen demand for electric bicycles and new forms of transport soar as commuters struggle to find alternatives to crowded public trains and buses. In July, for the first time, electric scooters were legalised for use on British streets. This article considers the law of electric bikes, scooters, and other personal transporters…


Lip Service

Men, women and even children (unbelievably) are embracing the beauty treatment revolution, whether at home or in a local salon. According to research, in 2017, one in three Britons had received a treatment in either a spa, salon or other treatment area in the past 12 months  – although clearly the sector is currently being…


What is the value of my injury claim? JC Guidelines

The Judicial College Guidelines for the assessment of general damages in personal injury cases provides guidance to Judges and practitioners as to the value of General Damages. General Damages are compensation for pain and suffering resulting from an accident. The guidelines are updated regularly and were last published in November 2019.  The most obvious and…


Coronavirus Update:

We are operational and have comprehensive plans to continue to assist existing and new clients. If you wish to make a new enquiry our Solicitors are here to help 9 am to 9 pm. We continue to accept new cases and recommendations through the website, by email and telephone. We are now carrying out meetings…
