The Latest Workplace Accident, Injury and Disease Statistics.

  Talking about workplace accidents, injuries or diseases still holds some stigma. Even though employers have insurance that covers personal injury claims against them, there are still many misconceptions about making a claim. There is plenty of bad press about personal injury claims which give the impression that the UK is becoming ‘too risk-averse’ or…

Motorbike Accidents

Motorcycling has a reputation for being dangerous, but it’s such an exhilarating and fun way to travel, motorcyclists are often very passionate about riding in spite of the dangers. Only 1% of road users are motorcyclists, but they account for 29% of all road user deaths. Because of this motorbike users are classed as a…

Cycling Accidents

Thanks to crack downs on drink driving, seatbelt usage and distracted driving, road traffic accident fatalities are dropping year on year. However, cyclists are still very vulnerable road users. In 2015, 18,844 cyclists were injured in reported road accidents. 3,399 were killed or seriously injured. (ROSPA) You are much more likely to be killed or…