Asthma Caused By Work

  Asthma is a very serious health condition which can cause shortness of breath, tightness in the chest and wheezing. Asthma sufferers can find basic things become very difficult, such as climbing the stairs or playing with their children. Many sufferers of severe asthma find themselves unable to work in the industry they are trained…


Distracted Driving

The facts are clear, in order to drive safely, the road needs our full attention at all times. However, distracted driving is a problem in the UK. In a survey of 11,000 drivers in St Albans, 1 in 6 were found to be engaged in a distracting activity.  Regardless of new rules and legislation, distracted driving…

The Rehabilitation Pescription

Rehabilitation Brain injury cases The Major Trauma Pathway was launched in 2010 with the recommendation that rehabilitation was a key concern. “Every patient admitted to a Major Trauma Centre should have their rehabilitation needs assessed and documented through a Rehabilitation Prescription”. The background to this development was that the Clinical Advisory Group on Major Trauma,…